How are you keeping your cool?

by | Jun 13, 2022

The Problem

There are so many things going on in the world that we forgot that Summer is right around the corner and we don’t only need to keep our cool but we must stay hydrated and well… cool!

It is no mystery that quality of life in the United States is by far better than most other countries in the world but this should not, by any means, dim a light on the difficulties we run into on a daily basis, especially as of lately. We are living in an unprecedented time! An overwhelming number of positive and negative things that lead to confusion, frustration and, in time, inevitably, stress.

What Can We Do

If you are like me, you are probably pondering what we can do to help ourselves feel just a little better without guilt? Especially as the weather warms up! Well, my friend, I did the reading for you and found some awesome things you can do now to keep you chill while you keep, or gather your “cool”.

The most important step to getting to deal with “stress” is learning to identify it. Most people think it is simple to do but sometimes, stress is much harder to identify than you think because we don’t always associate some of the symptoms to it.

We can recognize the most common ones like:

    • anxiety
    • rapid heartbeat
    • headaches
    • fatigue
    • insomnia
    • lack of appetite
    • and even depression…

But here are some that are less common:

    • digestive issues
    • irritability or feeling angry (for no good reason)
    • feeling of thoughts racing through your mind
    • sore eyes or blurry vision
    • muscle aches
    • sweating
    • developing skin rashes
    • and soooo many more including worsening of current medical conditions, especially blood pressure!

What We Should Do

So, now that we have identified that we are in fact stressed, what can we do about it?

Actually, there’s plenty we can do.

1. Diet and Fitness

One of the most common recommendations is having a balanced diet and balanced fitness routine. Make sure you don’t over/under-eat or over/under workout. These two go hand-in-hand. But add to this, spending time in nature.

2. Clear the mind

The transition of Spring to Summer is a perfect time for early morning walks/jogs. Spending time in nature helps clear the mind and builds in the meditative atmosphere that comes with a sense of clarity. Mindfulness.

3. Look into something new

Sometimes it is easier to break the stress away by breaking our daily routine so getting a new hobby is a good way to keep your mind in an “objective” view.

4. Stay hydrated

Many people forget water is H2O (emphasis on the “OH”) for a reason. It carries oxygen and takes away waste out of our systems. Simply put, drinking water helps carry nutrients and oxygen to our cells for nourishment and regeneration through our bloodstream and takes all the toxins, including those created by stress in the body) to be eliminated through urination and also helps regulate your body temperature. So drinking water can help both, keep you cool and keep you chilled 🙂 (See what I did there?)

5. Like-minded human interaction

Surround yourself with people that share your interests. People that love you and care for you and fight the urge to stay alone on those days you feel blue. Grab your best pals and enjoy some water activity. Go to the beach, the pool, take them with you on that early morning hike. Stay away from alcohol when possible as it is a downer 😉

And last but not least…

6. Journal

Keep a record of your day to day activities even if for a week so you can learn what triggers you off. Once you identify the things that raise your stress levels, it becomes easier to stay away from those because, after all, nobody needs that type of negativity in their life.

In Conclusion

My friends, we live in times when stress is unavoidable but we sure can make it manageable. I hope this helps! And if you have some tips yourself, share them with me! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

As always, much love to all of you <3


Coach Fatima