For The Love Of Coffee

by | Jul 18, 2022

The Story

If you know me, you know very well that there is one thing I must absolutely have every day, no matter what…

Yes. You guessed right!


With so many fancy drinks out there, society has made us believe that when we talk about coffee we are automatically talking about a medium/large cup of sugary drinks with extra flavors and add-ons. But what I really like is a cup of hot, black coffee. Ideally, an americano.

So, I decided it would be a great idea to share with you all the benefits I happen to know about my non-negotiable daily elixir.

The benefits of Coffee

1.   Increased energy levels

While it is no surprise this is an actual benefit due to the caffeine component of your nice cup of java, it also could help with performance.

There have been studies that showed increased exercise endurance levels on individuals consuming coffee prior to becoming active.

2.   Supports brain health

Some new studies suggest that moderate coffee consumption could help protect against Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and lower the risk for dementia.

3.   Benefits heart health

A recent study showed that coffee consumption was tied to a 15% reduced risk of heart disease. Another one showed 21% lower risk of stroke.

4.   Lower risk of diabetes type 2

Because facts are amazing, some recent studies have shown that in the long term, coffee consumption can help lower our risk of type 2 diabetes by preserving the function of the beta cells in your pancreas regulating blood sugar levels.

My Thoughts

These are just some of the many benefits to this yummy drink but the key is knowing how to consume it.

We take away its amazing properties by “adding” too many things to it like sugars and flavored syrups.

So, next time while in line to order your favorite drink, I hope you remember this short read and give a good ole cup of joe a try.

As always, much love to all of you <3

Coach Fatima