Can meditation work for me?

by | Aug 1, 2022

This is what I thought… Can you relate?

The first time I started meditation, I did so by watching a short video on the web. I put some headphones on and “assumed” the preposition, you know, sitting on a pillow, legs crossed, hands resting on the knees, hoping I would have some sort of epiphany and become enlightened like Buddha…

Well, that didn’t happen!

Actually, 30 seconds into this “guided” meditation process I called it BS and decided on push-ups instead.

30 seconds… I think my dog had a longer attention span!

The concept of sitting there doing absolutely nothing was both concerning and nail-biting.

How could people waste so much time “meditating”? Not only did I not know what meditation was but also didn’t understand the purpose for doing it.

This is what I’ve found… Are you with me?

If you have been following what’s been happening around the world over the past couple of years, I can almost guarantee that if you are not practicing some form of meditation already, that it has crossed your mind more than once.

If you are the type of person that is always busy, working on a project and to an extent thrives on that feeling of being productive, then you have probably asked yourself if meditation could be beneficial to you.

Well, the answer is simply: Everyone and anyone would benefit from meditation.

This is assuming we find the type of meditation that works for us and most importantly, we have a goal we want to achieve for which meditation will serve a purpose.

The different types of meditation

Meditation is not new. It has in fact been around us for thousands of years. Originally, it was used to deepen our understanding of life and the mystical forces of life. Nowadays, it is more commonly used to help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.

At the beginning this could be hard which is why I recommend you learn the different types of meditation available. Some of the most common ones are:

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is when you have someone talking to you helping you visualize a specific image that will eventually help you achieve that level of relaxation you’re after.

Mantra Meditation

“Oh-mmmm” this is when you focus on one word and repeat it over and over like a “mantra” (get it “wink,wink”). The purpose is to help you clear your mind and focus solely on the word. This brings a certain level of clarity that in the process reduces your stress level.

Mindfulness Meditation

This is my favorite type! You focus literally on the present moment. Your breathing. Your emotions.

At the beginning I felt silly but through repetition I became more connected to my breathing and everything happening in my body and around me as I inhaled and exhaled. Every breath became intentional.

Your awareness and acceptance of living in the present moment becomes the focus. The level of calmness I achieved and clarity is undescribable.

Yoga Meditation

This is the combination of breathing exercises through balance poses that requires you to focus on nothing other than just your body and its power. Nothing else. Allowing for your busy mind to finally take a much needed break.

And That’s Not All…

These are just a few of the types of meditation available out there and they all share a myriad of benefits.

From a mental health point of view, you will be able to focus more on the present, reduce negative emotions, increase self awareness, improve sleep, reduce stress levels, improve or develop stress management skills, increase patience, lower resting heart rate and so much more.

But there are also some medical benefits to trying meditation: improves tension headaches, helps with maintaining a healthy blood pressure, helps with anxiety management, it is extremely beneficial for patients with asthma, IBS and many other conditions.

Closing Thoughts On Meditation

I can honestly tell you that meditation has helped me tremendously.

Not only have I been able to reduce my stress or better yet, manage it better, but over time, I have been able to become more aware of my mind-body connection.

If you are the person that has to be making constant difficult decisions, whether at home or work, this practice is for you. The mental clarity that you gain through meditation has so far surpassed my expectations and I hope it helps you too if you decide to give it a shot.

As always, I am here to help. If you have any questions or concerns or simply don’t know where to start, shoot me a message! I’d love to help.

Much love to you as always,

IronMom Fatima




“Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Reduce Stress.” Mayo Clinic, 29 Apr. 2022,,centered%20and%20keep%20inner%20peace.