How to manage stress and nutrition while traveling

by | Aug 22, 2022

My bright idea

So, somehow earlier this year I thought it would be an excellent idea to travel across the country to visit family in Florida…

In the middle of August…

With two kids…

To catch a non-stop flight.

If that does not sound bad enough, I should add to this that I decided to leave from an airport that is 1.5 hours away from my home without taking into account possible delays, cancellations, and most importantly traffic.

By the time I got to the terminal I had a cranky and hungry almost 2 year old, an exhausted 8 year old and well… 3 sleeping adults.

I clearly did not think the whole process through.

The problem with my bright idea

Once we passed security in no time (thank goodness for TSA pre-check), I got some breakfast and just as we sat down to eat, my phone buzzes… a text message came through.

UGH! Who is it now!

“We are boarding your flight now”…

It was United Airlines’ automated message system letting us know that it’s time to go.

So we packed everything up and off we went, running to the gate so we could make our flight.

Once we got all settled into our seats, it dawned on me… I was sweating, my heart was racing and just as I started becoming aware of just how stressful it all was, my toddler started to cry.

My “Spidey Sense” kicks in

This is when the trainer in me realized I needed to act quickly!

I remembered the snacks I packed the day before, the extra protein pods I got inside my bag that don’t require a shaker bottle and the quick and easy things you can purchase in many of the stores at the airport that sometimes get overlooked!


So here are some things that worked great for me that I hope help you too if you are traveling soon, (especially if you are bringing little ones along):

Bring a blanket and socks for the little ones

Whether you travel by air or ground, the temperature is going to fluctuate and sometimes, especially now post COVID, it may go from hot to cold.

Having a blanket your kiddo is comfortable with and used to can be a great way to soothe them.

Socks are a great addition to this rule because keeping your feet warm brings comfort and makes it easy to walk along the hallways without having to wear shoes all the time!

Bring an empty water bottle

Ideally a stainless steel one.

Many airports and train stations now have water filters throughout so you can refill your bottle at all times.

If you are able to bring a stainless steel one, even better! This will keep your water cold at all times.

Bring small bags of snacks

Dry cereal makes for a great snack. My husband and kids love cheerios when we are traveling. They are filling and easy to eat.

Pack a small ziplock bag per person and enjoy a healthy snack and remember…

… everything you put in your body has a direct effect on your behavior and mood.

You can hink of it this way: good food, good mood. Junk food, yucky mood!

Keep your eyes opened for mixed nuts

Once in the airport/train station, look for: mixed nuts (with cranberries or raisins).

The sugar will give you a little energy and the nuts make for a super healthy and yummy “pick me up”.

Another great option, in my opinion, is cheese sticks. (C’mon… Who doesn’t love cheese?)

Prepared electronics

Phone/tablet or laptop with downloaded episodes of your (or your kiddos) favorite shows and a bluetooth headset.

Anyone feel like singing along to episodes of CocoMelon on repeat or is it just me?


Personal development book ! ! !

I can’t say this enough times.

The best time to grow is when you can get a bird’s eye view of “the world” and how miniscule we are in comparison…

How can we make ourselves bigger in a world where we seem so insignificant?

I’ll tell you how… with a good personal development book.

Last but certainly not least… Breathe

If you are traveling with kids, don’t worry about them crying. Fussing. Doing anything!

They are just kids. Kids do that.

If anyone around you doesn’t get it, ignore them.

Clearly they don’t remember they used to poop on themselves too at some point in life.

My Wish For You Is …

I hope you find these quick tips helpful and if you have some that could help us all, please send me a line or two.

Would love to hear your thoughts!


Much love as always,

Ironmom Fatima