Did you take your pre-workout?

by | Jul 25, 2022

The Question

Ahhhhh the “magic” of pre-workouts… So, as I was having a conversation with one of my clients the other day, they asked…

“Hey Fatima, if I take some pre-workout before training, it should help my performance, right? Which one do you recommend?”

And I fought every muscle on my face to not frown 😀 because if you know me, you know my efforts went in vain…

I frowned and here is why: depending on the type of workout you do, your current body composition, frequency of training and ultimate goal, then a pre-workout may not only be of very little benefit but can actually have a very negative impact on the body.

Then, why do so many people use pre-workouts? That’s a valid question and many argue their validity. To weigh-in on the conversation, we must understand what a “pre-workout” is to begin with.

What is a pre-workout?

Pre-workouts are usually a blend of powdered ingredients that you mix with water and drink prior to working out. The ingredients vary depending on the brand you use, but you can expect to find these common ingredients that I’ll explain in layman’s terms for you:

Amino acids

These are really what life is all about 🙂

When the body gets some protein, after it is broken down, amino acids are left. These amino acids are what really hold the power to grow and repair body tissue (muscle gains and fight soreness)


This ingredient is one of the most important ones in a pre-workout. Every single one of them would have it.

About 95% of it will be found in your skeletal muscle and it is in charge of providing energy to the muscles you are working.

So what does this mean for your workout? Simple. Creatine is what keeps your muscles going, lifting heavier, creating lean muscle and it is in charge of recovery.


Need I explain? Probably not but while you know what caffeine does to the body, did you know that the FDA says that we should not intake more than 400mg of caffeine a day?

300mg of caffeine is considered moderate use.

Think about this, depending on the brand/quality of the coffee used, 1 cup (8oz) of coffee contains 77-100mg of caffeine. A small cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop usually holds 12oz.

Pre-workouts carry anywhere between 150-300mg of caffeine per serving!

This is the most important ingredient to look at when getting a pre-workout if you choose to use one. To put this in perspective, the most common over the counter medication for migraines has only 65mg of caffeine.

My “IronMom” Perspective

I am not a registered dietician or a nutritionist so I wouldn’t dare to tell you what to do but I will share with you my thoughts and what I do.

Sometimes it is hard to get those gears going when it comes to working out. Trust me, I’ve been there and am there at least once a week. But the show must go on so…

… while I don’t use “pre-workouts” I do understand the benefits of some of the ingredients like creatine and amino acids.

I take them separately! I have a creatine supplement, I have some aminos I use and a daily dose of supplements with 40mg of caffeine per serving that I use once daily, and I stick to just that because I love coffee! <3

I rather get my caffeine that way 🙂

This also depends on how strict I am with my workout routine.

If I am just going to be jogging during the week, there really is no need for pre-workouts. If I am doing anything strictly cardiovascular, I do not use them. I need to work my heart and lungs so I do just that. If I am doing strength training or heavier lifting then the benefits of your aminos and creatine are definitely there so that’s when I go all out.

So, should you use a pre-workout or not?

I’m not sure but I hope that the information here helps clarify any questions you may have had and helps you make the best decision for your journey.

Until next time, friends!

Coach Fatima